UPDATE: 7 May. The plan has been approved by a massive majority of those that voted, 1185 for and 184 against. Thanks to everyone for their support.
The neighbourhood plan has been put together by residents to provide local guidance on what kind of development is, and is not, acceptable in the village. It provides an additional level of safeguards against inappropriate development blighting our village. A copy of the plan is available for everyone to read here and also on the parish council website.
In order to take effect it has to be put to a referendum, which is on 6 May. Concerned residents have spent considerable effort putting this together and now they need support from the silent majority to have it approved in the referendum on 6 May. Note that this only covers the part of Crowthorne within Parish of Crowthorne and voting is only open to residents of that Parish.
A copy of the presentation summarising the benefits to Crowthorne of adopting of the plan made by CVAG made at the Annual Parish meeting on 13 April is available here.
CVAG support the neighbourhood plan and encourage residents to vote in favour.